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Fair wear and tear - A quick overview.
Energy Performance Certificates explained.
Why landlords need PAT (Portable Appliance Testing).
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Inventory Services,
Energy Assessments, and 
Portable Appliance Testing

If you're looking for a reliable company to deliver quality inventory services and remove one of the headaches associated with letting property, you've come to the right place. You may also be searching for qualified domestic and commercial energy assessors or PAT testers to compile an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for your property or carry out a PAT for your electrical appliances. Again, you're in the right place.

Inventories, energy assessments, and appliance testing - why they're important

If you're not sure why inventories are an essential part of the property letting process, please read our "What is an inventory?" article. And if energy assessment or PAT is new to you, check out our short "Introduction to EPCs" and "Portable Application Testing" articles.

Longcross Inventories - a bit of background

We set up Longcross Inventories as an independent property inventory company in 2002. Our reputation for reliable, professional, and friendly service has continued to grow along with the company.

That's why we're now the first choice inventory company for most of the top lettings agents across Hampshire and  Surrey. In addition to estate agencies, we work with local councils, housing trusts, relocation agencies, and an increasing number of private landlords throughout the South East.

Our services

We offer a full range of property services, including:

Our services page will tell you more about each of these services.

Contact Longcross Inventories

Please take a look around the site. If you have a question that isn't answered by any of the information you see, feel free to call us. Alternatively, you can visit our contact page and use one of the options listed there for getting in touch with us.

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Property inventories and energy assessments throughout the South East
Longcross Inventories™